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How to use Tung Shing to search for a suitable date to perform an event

How to use Tung Shing

In this post, we are going to describe how Tung Shing (Chinese divination guide and almanac) is being used to search for a suitable date to perform an event in Chinese culture.

There are many different version of Tung Shing by different publishers,  however we use the Tung Shing by “廣經堂”, one of the most popular Tung Shing in Hong Kong as a reference. We assumed that you have got one copy of Tung Shing “廣經堂” and have some Chinese language background because  the book is in Chinese.

Tung Shing is a Chinese divination guide and almanac which contains date of the year in the lunar calendar and determine  suitable and unsuitable events to perform in each day of the lunar year in order to get the best result of it. Example such as determine the best result of certain event such as wedding, opening a business, ask for a blessing from a god, leave the country etc.

Here are some of the common events included in the Tung Shing for reference:

Event table

Event Name in Chinese Event Name in English
嫁娶 To get marry
祭祀 Sacrifice ceremony
理髮 To have a hair dressing
會友 To have a friend meeting
出行 To travel
開市 First day of business
入宅 Move to a new house
動土 Perform any work on the ground
拆卸 Disassemble (normally refer to building, parts of building or furniture)
安床 Install a bed
掃舍 Clean the house
納畜 To have a new pet/animal
安葬 Burial
移居 Migration
捕捉 Hunt/Catch animal
交易 To trade
立約 To sign a contract
入學 Start school/study
訂婚 To get engaged
栽種 To plant
作灶 To install cooker
To see a doctor

To search for a suitable date and to avoid an unsuitable date in the year of tiger 2022, you need to search for the section of “廣經堂壬寅年” which normally is the last section of the Tung Shing. Within the section, we need to look at the left edge of each page for the lunar month which you are planning to perform the event.

Here is the translation of the lunar months in Chinese and English:

Lunar Month in English Lunar Month in Chinese
The first month of the year 正月
The second month of the year
The third month of the year
The forth month of the year
The fifth month of the year
The six month of the year 六月
The seventh month of the year 七月
The eighth month of the year 八月
The ninth month of the year 九月
The tenth month of the year 十月
The eleventh month of the year
The twelve month of the year

In the section “廣經堂壬寅年” , once you have found the lunar month, you will see the tables of information of all the date of that month. The first row is the date and weekday of the Lunar month in Chinese. Each column of the table contains the information of the corresponding date of the month.  However to make it simple, you need only focusing on 2 rows of the table which they determine if the event is suitable or not to perform on that date:

  • The forth row with the Chinese character “忌” meaning that all of the events underneath that character should be avoid to perform on that date.
  • The sixth row with the Chinese character “宜” meaning that all of the events underneath that character is suitable to perform on that date.
  • if you cannot find the event at that column meaning that the event is neutral on that date.

You can determine if the event is suitable or should be avoid on that date based with the rule above.

Disclaimer: The contents of this page are for general information purposes only, they do not guarantee accurate, useful, complete, or updated. The contents have no scientific proof and they are based on folk custom and culture which might vary from place to place. We will not take any responsibility and liable for any loss on using any of the contents of this page.

If you need a copy of Tung Shing, you could purchase at our store:

Tung Shing 2023 Year of The Rabbit 兔年通勝 2023